Archive for the ‘Goats in the News’ Category
Save Ava’s Pygmy Goats, Lilly and Juju!
It’s time to help out 12-year-old Ava in Federal Way, Washington — animal control wants to take away her caprine friends, and it’s wrong, wrong, wrong in our humble Goat Berries’ opinion.
Read on...Vote 4 Goat – Goat 4 Sale!
YOU can help make sure Moose the Doritos-loving goat gets some serious Super Bowl Sunday love by voting for the “Goat 4 Sale” commercial. So go forth, watch the commercial, and vote 4 goat!
Read on...Italian Goat in Golia Commercial Knows His ‘Herbs’
Check out this hilarious Italian commercial for Golia throat lozenges featuring, you guessed it, a goat!
Read on...U.S. Coast Guard: Stop Using Goats in Horrific Training Exercises
I can’t bear to watch the video, but I can send a polite email to “U.S. Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security officials urging them to take immediate action to comply with federal regulations and completely replace the use of animals in military trauma training with superior non-animal training methods.”
Read on...Goat News at The Huffington Post
HuffPo now has a whole page dedicated to goat news, but Pasqualina wonders why she isn’t being consulted on editorial decisions.
Read on...Free Snowbird! Another Goat Needs Our Help
As the Balunsats in Cecil County, Maryland continue to fight for their pet goat Snowbird’s right to stay with the family, they have started a group on Facebook, and I know they’d really appreciate our support.