Italian Goat in Golia Commercial Knows His ‘Herbs’
Italian television normally doesn’t have very much to offer, but every now and again, there’s a real gem. That was the case the other night as Paolo and I had the TV on for background noise as we each pecked away on a computer, but both of our heads flipped around when we heard a distinctive sound: a goat bell.
It was this commercial:
I still laugh every time I see it!
For those who don’t speak Italian, this is a commercial for Golia brand throat lozenges that are made with medicinal herbs. The voiceover says:
Chi conosce l’erbe non sbaglia.
He who knows herbs is never wrong.
Goats, of course, know herbs, but really this is a clever play on words as “erbe” in Italian also means grass, weeds, generally all the stuff that goats like to eat.
Like with many cross-cultural things, perhaps this commercial isn’t as cute once it has to be explained and translated, but we find it hilarious, and I hope you enjoy it too.
And hey, it’s always nice to see a goat hit it big, right?
Evvive le capre!

4 Responses to “Italian Goat in Golia Commercial Knows His ‘Herbs’”
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I love this, actually I love all things goat
We’re moving to Italy soon (near Asti) and hoping to keep some goats of our own
Thanks for sharing.
michelle Reply:
November 11th, 2012 at 6:19 pm
Hope your move goes smoothly, Cheryl! My good friend Diana Baur is also in Piemonte — 🙂
Your Goat blog is endless charming and informative. Grazie mille!
michelle Reply:
December 10th, 2012 at 10:21 am
Thanks so much Sonya; I have a lot of fun with it 🙂