Author Archive


Never Say Goat-Bye

Don’t you worry about Pasqualina! She is just fine, just rehomed.

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Smiling Swedish Goat

Goatspotting: Smiling Swedish Goat

Another goat from Sweden, but no one is about to burn this one down! Probably why he’s smiling. . . .

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Lilly the pygmy goat

Save Ava’s Pygmy Goats, Lilly and Juju!

It’s time to help out 12-year-old Ava in Federal Way, Washington — animal control wants to take away her caprine friends, and it’s wrong, wrong, wrong in our humble Goat Berries’ opinion.

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Pregnant goat

Caution: Wide Goat Load

And I mean that in the nicest possible way, Pasqualina.

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Baby the Goat in Georgia

GoatSpotting: Baby in Georgia

I recently received a lovely email from a new reader who wanted to share her neighbor, Baby, with the Goat Berries crowd via Goatspotting.

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Gioia the baby goat

Update from the Goat Pen!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here about what is going on in the Goat Berries pen, and there have been some rather large developments, so here we go.

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Goats that readers have spotted out and about. Send your photos to michelle(at)goatberries(dot)com! 

Baby the Goat in Georgia
Anguillian Goats
Goats in Central Park Zoo, NYC
Goats goats goats galore!
Tuscan goat
Goat on donkey (no not in that way)
Oman goat
Goat in tree in Africa
Testa Dura Goat Cheese
Goat at Maine Fiber Frolic 2011