Goatspotting: Smiling Swedish Goat
Another goat from Sweden, but no one is about to burn this one down! Probably why he’s smiling. . . .
Read on...Save Ava’s Pygmy Goats, Lilly and Juju!
It’s time to help out 12-year-old Ava in Federal Way, Washington — animal control wants to take away her caprine friends, and it’s wrong, wrong, wrong in our humble Goat Berries’ opinion.
Read on...GoatSpotting: Baby in Georgia
I recently received a lovely email from a new reader who wanted to share her neighbor, Baby, with the Goat Berries crowd via Goatspotting.
Read on...Update from the Goat Pen!
It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here about what is going on in the Goat Berries pen, and there have been some rather large developments, so here we go.