Archive for the ‘Goat Gifts’ Category

Hoegger Supply Company Gift Certificate Giveaway

One of my favorite places to graze is Millie Ann Saanen’s A Goat’s View of Eden Hills. Millie tells it like it is from a Saanen perspective — and she doesn’t mince words. Hah!

She is, however, rather generous as you can see in this contest announcement:

I’m giving one lucky person (or goat, horse, etc.) a $20 gift certificate to Hoegger Supply Company. They are the ultimate in goat suppliers. Don’t think you have to have a goat companion to want this. They also have books, cards, clothing, and all kinds of great goatie things. It’s where the human got her favorite mug.

I came across Hoegger Supply Company on the Internet over Christmas last year when I was in the U.S. and immediately requested one of their catalogs via snail mail so I’d have it for the plane ride home. I’ve been making a wishlist ever since. LOVE.

If you haven’t heard of Hoegger’s, you must have a look around — and be sure to head over to Millie’s Eden Hills and leave her a comment so you’re entered to win the giveaway. Ends July 15th.

Best of luck!

When Life Hands You a Lemon, Trade It for a Goat

I got a lovely surprise in the mail the other day from a Bleeding Espresso and Goat Berries reader turned friend, Jill. She had spotted some drawings by a Brooklyn-based artist named Charrow in New York City, and then checked out her Etsy shop once she got home.

While browsing online, Jill came across this:

Gah! Adorable!

So carissima Jill snatched it up and sent it to me (blank so I could use it, but truth be told, I might frame it!) along with the sweetest note on another *adorable* card about thinning our herd, reminding me of all the joy that the does and their kids brought as I continue to deal with their absence.

Thank you so much, Jill, not only for thinking of me, the kind sentiments, and the adorable card, but also for introducing me to Charrow, a fabulous new-to-me artist! Love her stuff!

I Kissed a Goat…and I Liked It!

The other day, faithful reader Lori commented how she wanted to give Pinta a little kiss on her head, and I told her I’d do it for her.

Because you know I kiss the goats, right?

I don’t do it when Paolo is around, of course; he thinks kissing the dogs is weird…imagine what he’d think of goat kissing!

And you know what else? I don’t only kiss them on the head. Yes, I think it’s time I come clean.

Come in close…


I kiss them on the lips.

Yes, it’s true. And I know I’m not the only one who does this. How do I know? Because of this adorable design from

Phew. I feel better now.

Wanna smooch?

Dammi un bacio!

(Give me a kiss!)

The Goat Makes It Good

Spotted last weekend by faithful reader Austen at the San Francisco Farmer’s Market:

Hard to argue with that logic from the Achadinha Cheese Company.

Do you like goat cheese?

Stay tuned…our adventures making goat cheese will begin shortly!

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Goats that readers have spotted out and about. Send your photos to michelle(at)goatberries(dot)com! 

Baby the Goat in Georgia
Anguillian Goats
Goats in Central Park Zoo, NYC
Goats goats goats galore!
Tuscan goat
Goat on donkey (no not in that way)
Oman goat
Goat in tree in Africa
Testa Dura Goat Cheese
Goat at Maine Fiber Frolic 2011