I Kissed a Goat…and I Liked It!

The other day, faithful reader Lori commented how she wanted to give Pinta a little kiss on her head, and I told her I’d do it for her.

Because you know I kiss the goats, right?

I don’t do it when Paolo is around, of course; he thinks kissing the dogs is weird…imagine what he’d think of goat kissing!

And you know what else? I don’t only kiss them on the head. Yes, I think it’s time I come clean.

Come in close…


I kiss them on the lips.

Yes, it’s true. And I know I’m not the only one who does this. How do I know? Because of this adorable design from GetYerGoat.com:

Phew. I feel better now.

Wanna smooch?

Dammi un bacio!

(Give me a kiss!)

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7 Responses to “I Kissed a Goat…and I Liked It!”
  1. Pam

    I love it! I love it! I used to kiss my goaties all the time like that! Bravo!


    How can we resist? They put their nose all up in our faces…what do they expect?! πŸ˜‰


  2. 05.04.2010

    of course – every goat should be kissed at least once by me πŸ˜€

    Hee hee…I like that line of thinking, Stacey! πŸ™‚


  3. I just found out you have a goat blog! πŸ™‚
    I love the posts and those kissable lips — who could resist!

    BTW, I like the design of this site. Did you do it on your own?

    Thanks Grace! Yes I did the site design…sort of. It’s heavily based on the Elegant Watches template (linked all the way at the bottom in the footer) πŸ™‚


  4. Nell

    I once kissed an old goat of the male kind, he did have agoatque! Does that count although I gotta say I didn’t like it.

    Hmmm if you want it to count, it can…otherwise you can forget it πŸ˜‰


  5. 02.24.2011

    Best post ever, ever! πŸ™‚
    (and so do I!)

    Hee hee…thanks Mimi!


  6. I totally will kiss my goaties on the lips! My Mom and Sis do it on the head or cheek, but where’s the fun in that? Kiss the Goats Forever!
    -Livi, Nico, Charlie, and Jac

    Hahaha love it, Livi!


  7. goatlove022

    My goat almost kissed my finger today.


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