Archive for 2010
GoatSpotting: A French Goat…Oui Oui!
There’s no avoiding the fact that when some people think of me, they think of goats. Don’t get me wrong; this is totally fine with me since goats are the *coolest.*
Indeed, it always puts a smile on my face whenever I receive a goat-related article, story, or photo in my inbox — so please do keep them coming, especially since I’ve decided to start a feature called “GoatSpotting.”
Our first GoatSpotting comes to us courtesy of one of my favorite bloggers — and I’m not saying that just because she’s trying to save my beloved Nutella. LuccaBella in Italia shares what it’s like to be an 8-year-old American girl living in Italy (under the close supervision of her mom, Maria of Tomorrow in Italy and My-Bands, a revolutionary medical ID bracelet you should really check out); friend of the family Francesca Volpi recently sent them photos from Ile d’Ouessant in France, and they couldn’t help but notice this guy just grazing along:
Yay! Our first GoatSpotting!
Yes, some readers of Goat Berries have their own goats, so they can spot goats whenever they like, but for everyone else, running into a goat (figuratively) can be a rather amazing experience…and I want to hear about it. And see it. So please, when you’re out and about and come across a goat, snap a photo, and send it my way.
Let’s get GoatSpotting!
My Goats Are Walking All Over Me
Normally I wear a cheap pair of fake Crocs to the goat pen, but yesterday I forgot to change my shoes and went over in just my flip flops. This is a mistake I’ll never make again because OMGOMGOMG OOOOOWWWWWWIEEEE does it hurt when a goat steps on your bare foot! And then dances ever so slightly on it just to make sure your fourth toe on your left foot is actually cut open instead of just throbbing in pain.
Sure, Pasqualina will say she didn’t dance, but I think the guilt is written all over her smirking face.
The Naked Hay-Baling Man
As hay is a subject close to many of our hearts, I thought you’d enjoy this as much as I did. I mean, don’t try it at home or anything, but bwahahahahahaha!
On that note, I’m going to be taking a few days off the grid, so to speak, so please be patient regarding any e-mail, comment, and other responses you’re expecting from me.
Buon weekend!
H/t Huffington Post.
Goats and the Vanderbilt Estate — Perfect Together!
A lot of places have been using goats to clear off unwanted weeds and whatnot, but I found this piece at Wall Street Journal Online particularly maaaaaarverlous 😉
Pinta’s Playlist: One Goat’s Favorite Songs
Pinta is coming up on five months old, but no one has told her that she doesn’t quite fit in my lap anymore. I’m certainly not going to tell her since I love Pinta cuddle time.
I’ve been holding and singing to her since she was just a wee thing, and it turns out she has certain favorite tunes that seem to relax her more than others. For example, she *loves* when I sing the chorus to “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina” but with “Pintaruccia” in place of Argentina. She might like more than the chorus, but I don’t know any more words to that song.
So then we mix it up with a slow. soothing version of “Sweet Child o’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses, which put her in the mood for her absolute favorite:
My sweet Pinta’s eyes are always heavy when I’m finished with James Taylor’s Sweet Baby James.
What about Pasqualina, you may be wondering? She likes a nice, sweet tune now and again, but she’s a bit more of a dancer these days — equivalent of a teenager, I suppose.
Do you sing and dance with your goaties and/or other animals?
What are their favorite tunes?
Goat Costume for Halloween
Yes, I know it’s only August, but it’s never too early to start planning your Halloween costume, right?
Especially when you can dress up like this:
I kinda wish I was making this up, but I’m not.
Have you ever “gone goat” for Halloween?