The Naked Hay-Baling Man
As hay is a subject close to many of our hearts, I thought you’d enjoy this as much as I did. I mean, don’t try it at home or anything, but bwahahahahahaha!
On that note, I’m going to be taking a few days off the grid, so to speak, so please be patient regarding any e-mail, comment, and other responses you’re expecting from me.
Buon weekend!
H/t Huffington Post.

3 Responses to “The Naked Hay-Baling Man”
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never that saw before! never even knew you could put yourself through a hay baler and still come out the other end alive! (for sure won’t be showing this to my youngest…’cause I’m sure he would love to give it a try and will put it on his bucket list!)
Haha, good plan!
O.M.G.!! I don’t know what I was expecting, but it sure wasn’t that, haha!! Like Melissa, I never knew you could do that and live! Wonder why he felt he had to do it naked though? That HAD to have itched!!
Definitely. I was not expecting that either, even with the title. CRAZY!
I don’t know what to think about that. Very funny…but I get a rash on my arms when I handle fresh hay. Wonder if he got a rash on his……..
Can’t even *imagine* where he was finding hay later that day….