Pinta’s Playlist: One Goat’s Favorite Songs
Pinta is coming up on five months old, but no one has told her that she doesn’t quite fit in my lap anymore. I’m certainly not going to tell her since I love Pinta cuddle time.
I’ve been holding and singing to her since she was just a wee thing, and it turns out she has certain favorite tunes that seem to relax her more than others. For example, she *loves* when I sing the chorus to “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina” but with “Pintaruccia” in place of Argentina. She might like more than the chorus, but I don’t know any more words to that song.
So then we mix it up with a slow. soothing version of “Sweet Child o’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses, which put her in the mood for her absolute favorite:
My sweet Pinta’s eyes are always heavy when I’m finished with James Taylor’s Sweet Baby James.
What about Pasqualina, you may be wondering? She likes a nice, sweet tune now and again, but she’s a bit more of a dancer these days — equivalent of a teenager, I suppose.
Do you sing and dance with your goaties and/or other animals?
What are their favorite tunes?

5 Responses to “Pinta’s Playlist: One Goat’s Favorite Songs”
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My other dog that passed away years ago liked “Landslide.” I haven’t tried singing any songs with my current dog. He’s so hyper!!!
Perhaps you should start with lullabies!
OK, this brought tears to my eyes. JT has special meaning in this house. LOVE!
We’re big JT fans as well 🙂
Yes, but I’ll have to stop laughing first & get back to you with Giulia’s playlist. I made a summer list #1 Julie’s Faves on iPod. Still learning how to work it (it was lent indefinitely by friend who found it in a UN compound in Darfur…honest efforts to find the owner of this humongous memory ‘pod were made. It’s “ours” now:)
Oh I’m laughing because I see Pinta-belle swooning to ‘Evita’ song. Or maybe I’m laughing at thought of you guys crooning. I just snorted cappuccino near keyboard. House/cat sitting at house with power that does not go out with a slight breeze. And they have all manner of caffeine delivery systems. Living it up before returning to walk-up (but with newly redone bath…)
OK. Off to write what I’m supposed to, then break for playlist investigation. You just gave me a good idea for post, prob on GG’s site when it comes back from “holiday.” Ciao, M.
Can’t wait to read GG’s mix 😉 Glad you enjoyed!
PS: I love love love those pix of Pasqualina & her dancing. So adorable.
Ciao Michelle!! Your goats are the cutest!! They are soo precious. I really adore your Bleeding Expresso blog & Goat Berries blog. This article can’t get any cuter. Hugs & Kisses to your goats!! ♥♥♥ I added both your sites to my blogroll list.
Thank you! I’m off to check out your place now 🙂
You’re very welcome!! Thank you for checking my blog out. Thanks for your sweet words. You’re right & I completely understand. lol A blog seems simple but all the steps to actually get the template going & everything takes quite awhile.
Indeed! Best of luck with your blog 🙂