Archive for 2010
Goat Information from Heifer International
Heifer International is a wonderful organization that strives to end world hunger with charity gifts for for sustainability and self-reliance.
Read on...Check out the Goat Cam at Goats Live!
No, Pasqualina and Pinta aren’t the latest goat film stars — I just wanted to let you know about a 24/7 goat cam over at Goats Live.
There you can check out Nick and Molly, two mini-Saanens, who have been viewed over 50,000 times from 87 countries around the world. There are actually two cameras on them, so you’re sure to capture all the action.
You may also catch a glimpse of humans Debbie, a former TV personality in the Tampa Bay area; her husband Sparrow, a former broadcast engineer now retired because of multiple sclerosis; and their adult son Hilary who has autism. Debbie and Sparrow are both retired, and aside from their goat hobby, also dabble in ham radio.
Anyone who has watched goats for even five minutes knows just how much fun it can be to see them in action, so this is especially great for those of you who don’t have goats of your own — yet.
Yes, yet. I firmly believe there are two kinds of people in this world: goat caretakers and future goat caretakers. Their powers are just too strong to resist forever.
2011 Nanny Goats in Panties Calendar Now Available!
The other day my mom said to me, “Oh, a calendar arrived in the mail . . . it’s . . . um . . . all goats.”
Nana didn’t know about the 2011 Nanny Goats in Panties calendar, you see, and she most certainly didn’t know that if she flipped to her birthday month of April, she’d find her grandgoatbaby staring back at her.
That’s right! Pasqualina the pin-up goat is one of the caprine creatures featured in Margaret’s Nanny Goats in Panties 2011 Calendar:
If you follow some goat sites, you’ll see lots of familiar, adorable faces. Each photo is so ridiculously cute — if you don’t have goats now, tread carefully. This could send you over the edge.
Thanks so much Margaret of NGIP for putting this together!
Click on the calendar above or go directly to the Nanny Goats in Panties 2011 Calendar to order now!
Colbert Names Goats as Scapegoats for Unemployment Rate
We’ve talked about goats cleaning up the Vanderbilt Estate and also about some hardworking Goat Busters in Virginia, and now Stephen Colbert has caught on to the trend. Check out this *hilarious* report on those who have “gone goat”:
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
People Destroying America- Goats Steal Landscaping Jobs | ||||
And yes, goat berries (the real thing, not this site) play quite a role in the story!
This isn’t the first time Colbert has singled out goats on his show, either. Back when the George Clooney film The Men Who Stare at Goats was coming out, he did another ridiculously funny bit about the power of the goat:
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Goat Lab – Jon Ronson | ||||
It certainly seems like Colbert has a soft spot in his heart for goaties…and who could blame him? Come to the other side Stephen . . . the pasture is fine!
Walking a Mile in Your Goat’s Hoof Shoes
Sometimes as goat caretakers, we may find it difficult to really understand what a goat is going through whether it’s birth, weaning, milking, or other caprine activities.
Well, here’s our chance* to walk a mile in our goats’ shoes.
Perhaps, though, you were thinking a bit more . . . rustic?
And for those times when you’re just relaxing around the pen:
What do you think your kids (human or caprine) would say if they saw you in any of these?
*Click on the photos for source information.
GoatSpotting: Goat Busters!
Today’s GoatSpotting submission reminds us just how useful goats can be even for those who don’t raise them:
As we goat people know, our caprine friends are increasingly being “hired” to clear off land and whatnot — even by the Vanderbilt Estate! — especially on steep inclines and other precarious places that goaties just love.
Is it just me or are you also beginning to think goats could solve many of the world’s problems if given half the chance? Food and milk supplies, keeping weeds and overgrowth in check, and, ahem, fertilizing it all along the way with their amazing (and free!) goat berries.
Also, as noted by Jace Goodling of Bent Post Farm and Goat Busters, they also provide plenty of “agri-tainment!” Anyone who has ever watched goats for more than a minute understands this, I’m sure.
Special thanks to my friend Salena of The Daily Rant for this GoatSpotting!
Remember if you spot a goat out and about, snap a photo and send it along!