Goat Information from Heifer International
Faithful reader and friend Richard recently sent me this informative page about goats, which recently appeared in the Heifer International magazine:
If you haven’t heard of Heifer International, it’s a wonderful organization that strives to end world hunger with charity gifts for for sustainability and self-reliance. You can become a part of the organization in many ways, including by joining, giving to, or even starting your own Team Heifer to raise funds.
Thanks Richard and Heifer International!

2 Responses to “Goat Information from Heifer International”
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I am forwarding this RIGHT NOW to a woman I know in Northern California! How sweet is that face! I can’t DARE show this to LuccaBella or I will hear, “I want one” or I am asking Babbo Natale for one! Then what do I do?
Haha, thank you…and good choice 😉
I ♥ Heifer International!