Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category
Goats and the Vanderbilt Estate — Perfect Together!
A lot of places have been using goats to clear off unwanted weeds and whatnot, but I found this piece at Wall Street Journal Online particularly maaaaaarverlous 😉
Pinta’s Playlist: One Goat’s Favorite Songs
Pinta is coming up on five months old, but no one has told her that she doesn’t quite fit in my lap anymore. I’m certainly not going to tell her since I love Pinta cuddle time.
I’ve been holding and singing to her since she was just a wee thing, and it turns out she has certain favorite tunes that seem to relax her more than others. For example, she *loves* when I sing the chorus to “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina” but with “Pintaruccia” in place of Argentina. She might like more than the chorus, but I don’t know any more words to that song.
So then we mix it up with a slow. soothing version of “Sweet Child o’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses, which put her in the mood for her absolute favorite:
My sweet Pinta’s eyes are always heavy when I’m finished with James Taylor’s Sweet Baby James.
What about Pasqualina, you may be wondering? She likes a nice, sweet tune now and again, but she’s a bit more of a dancer these days — equivalent of a teenager, I suppose.
Do you sing and dance with your goaties and/or other animals?
What are their favorite tunes?
Forget Snakes on a Plane…Beware of Goats on a Boat!
I just came across this hilarious sketch done by 3rd Floor Productions and shared via Hidden Track TV on YouTube, and I had to pass it on.
It’s called “Goats on a Boat” and is spoof of the movie “Snakes on a Plane.” The tagline?
Live By the Hoof, Die By the Hoof.
Buon weekend!
H/t Exotic Pet Tips.
Goat Feeding Time Video
Here’s a video I made the other day as I was bringing some borlotti bean pods to the girls for the first time. They obviously knew a treat was coming because they started calling me just after I shut the door of the house.
Also making guest appearances are our bantam rooster and hen, our two other hens, a call from our quail, our Ape 50, and the gorgeous view of the Ionian Sea and rolling Calabrian hills from the garden area. Enjoy!
Don’t you just love Pinta’s screams? What a sweetheart!
Goats and Cantaloupe
I recently found a new food that Pasqualina loves: cantaloupe.
Here she is *so* happy to get some cantaloupe rinds:
I just love watching goats eat, don’t you?
I call this blackmail material for when future prom dates show up:
OK, admittedly, this is only for true goat lovers, but here is some video of Pasqualina meets cantaloupe:
By the way, Pasqualina doesn’t care for the melon or seeds; just the rinds. Except for when a rind touches the ground…then it stays there.
Blech, says Pasqualina, and I can’t blame her. And then the rind gets recycled to the chickens.
Goat Gets Last Laugh On Fox News Reporter
Live from Bolinas, California, a Fox News reporter waxed poetic about how tasty goat meat is and how it is rising in popularity in the United States. At least one goat wasn’t too impressed with his analysis, though:
Never turn your back on a goat, people. Especially if you’re talking about eating him.