Archive for the ‘Goats in the News’ Category
GoatSpotting: Goat Busters!
Today’s GoatSpotting submission reminds us just how useful goats can be even for those who don’t raise them:
As we goat people know, our caprine friends are increasingly being “hired” to clear off land and whatnot — even by the Vanderbilt Estate! — especially on steep inclines and other precarious places that goaties just love.
Is it just me or are you also beginning to think goats could solve many of the world’s problems if given half the chance? Food and milk supplies, keeping weeds and overgrowth in check, and, ahem, fertilizing it all along the way with their amazing (and free!) goat berries.
Also, as noted by Jace Goodling of Bent Post Farm and Goat Busters, they also provide plenty of “agri-tainment!” Anyone who has ever watched goats for more than a minute understands this, I’m sure.
Special thanks to my friend Salena of The Daily Rant for this GoatSpotting!
Remember if you spot a goat out and about, snap a photo and send it along!
The Legend of the Chupacabra
Even before I had goats, I was fascinated by the story of the Chupacabra, which literally means “goat sucker” and refers to a mysterious creature said to attack and suck the blood of goats mainly in Puerto Rico, Texas, and Mexico. I’d say there’s a documentary about the chupacabra on an average of once a week here in Italy — and not always the same documentary, either.
Well the chupacabra has been in the news again lately with the report of the unexplained deaths of 300 goats in Mexico’s Puebla state (warning: graphic photo in that link).
The chupacabra has been described in various, quite contradictory ways, which leads one to question whether such an animal really exists; for example, some people describe it as resembling a reptile with scaly skin, about three or four feet tall that hops around like a kangaroo. Others say it looks like a really freaky wild dog.
That said, what chupacabra believers do agree on is that dead livestock, often goats, turn up with puncture wounds often in the neck and/or chest area and are drained of their blood.
Whether the chupacabra is a special kind of predator or not, that’s some pretty gruesome stuff, so please goat caretakers in Chupacabraland, protect your goaties!
Do you believe in the legend of the chupacabra?
Goats and the Vanderbilt Estate — Perfect Together!
A lot of places have been using goats to clear off unwanted weeds and whatnot, but I found this piece at Wall Street Journal Online particularly maaaaaarverlous 😉
Goat Gets Last Laugh On Fox News Reporter
Live from Bolinas, California, a Fox News reporter waxed poetic about how tasty goat meat is and how it is rising in popularity in the United States. At least one goat wasn’t too impressed with his analysis, though:
Never turn your back on a goat, people. Especially if you’re talking about eating him.
Pinta Appears at Nanny Goats in Panties!
Just in case you haven’t heard the exciting news, be sure to check out our own lil’ Pinta over at the wonderfully caprine-themed site, Nanny Goats in Panties.
Margaret’s Nanny Goats site has been in my feed reader for a long time, so it’s truly a pleasure to have one of our kids make an appearance…perhaps next time they’ll even put on some panties for the occasion!
To thank Margaret, I’ve put her button over there on the far sidebar, and I’ll also take this opportunity to encourage you to click around the sites I’ve linked to in both sidebars. If you love goats (and I know you do!), you’re going to love all of them.
On Goats, Banana Peels, Tin Cans, and Pants
You know you’re a goat mom when after you eat a banana, without thinking, you split the peel into six parts — two for each of your goats.
Did you know goats love banana peels? Mine sure do.
They do *not* however eat tin cans. Yes, I know what you’ve heard. LIES! ALL LIES, I tell you! Seriously, it’s a nasty rumor, so let’s just stop it right here.
They may, however, nibble on your pants if given half the chance as recently happened to Jorge Garcia, Hurley of Lost, at Maui Surfing Goat Dairy:
Thanks to my friend Girasoli of Shave Ice & Gelato for passing along that link.
If you have any other questions about what goats eat, please leave them in the comments!