Pinta Appears at Nanny Goats in Panties!
Just in case you haven’t heard the exciting news, be sure to check out our own lil’ Pinta over at the wonderfully caprine-themed site, Nanny Goats in Panties.
Margaret’s Nanny Goats site has been in my feed reader for a long time, so it’s truly a pleasure to have one of our kids make an appearance…perhaps next time they’ll even put on some panties for the occasion!
To thank Margaret, I’ve put her button over there on the far sidebar, and I’ll also take this opportunity to encourage you to click around the sites I’ve linked to in both sidebars. If you love goats (and I know you do!), you’re going to love all of them.

2 Responses to “Pinta Appears at Nanny Goats in Panties!”
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Aw, thanks Michelle. NGIP readers have truly enjoyed meeting little Pinta. She’s getting lots of compliments. Pinta’s such a darling!
Thanks Margaret; Pinta is truly honored 😀
I love NGIP, just like your lil Goat Berries!
Thanks so much Pam!