Archive for 2012
As Goat Birth Creeps Closer…
Pasqualina’s belly is growing, her udder is filling out, and she’s lying around more than usual. We’re getting close!
Read on...Goatspotting: How Many Goats Do You See?
I recently spotted some goats who came a-browsing near us, so of course I had to take photos — tell me, how many goats do you see?
Read on...Goatspotting: Goat Under the Tuscan Sun
Faithful reader and friend Joanna sent in this photo of a goat in her neck of the woods, in Tuscany, Italy.
Read on...Goat News at The Huffington Post
HuffPo now has a whole page dedicated to goat news, but Pasqualina wonders why she isn’t being consulted on editorial decisions.
Read on...Keep Calm and Love Goats
Keep Calm and Love Goats. Finally one of these messages I can fully support.
Read on...Never a Dull Moment in Raising Goats: Swollen Jaw in Goats
If your goat’s jaw is swollen, there are several possibilities as to the cause — bottle jaw, CL, tooth abscess, and, as it turns out, insect or spider bite.