The First Artistic Rendering of Pasqualina
Yesterday I got an amazing care package in the mail full of goodies that one doesn’t normally find in southern Italy — things like candy corn, Ziploc bags, peanut butter cups, chocolate chips, and Hershey’s kisses. There were even two doggie toys in there for my girls Luna and Stella. This was Stella about five minutes after I gave her one of the toys:
But by far the best part of the whole package was this drawing by Sarah, who I’m told simply adores Pasqualina and Pinta:
The drawing is a wonderful artistic rendering of the photo of Baby Pasqualina that appears in the Nanny Goats in Panties 2011 Calendar. I took the drawing over to show Pasqualina yesterday, and I know she liked it because she wanted to eat it — the highest form of goat flattery.
Thanks so much to Sarah and Sarah’s mom, Beth, who along with her teenage son Ryan, blogs at A Diabetic Life about Ryan’s ongoing challenge of living with Type 1 Diabetes. Care packages are great, but care packages with drawings of baby goats? Doesn’t get better than that.

7 Responses to “The First Artistic Rendering of Pasqualina”
- [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michelle Fabio, Michelle Fabio. Michelle Fabio said: The First Art...
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How wonderful! You need a “goat wall of fame” where you can showcase goat art, and this could be the start!
Oh my, I love that! Would love to get more depictions of our goaties!
I love that picture of Pasqualina. Clearly there is some signature thing about the original photo where I would have recognized that drawing as Pasqualina if I had walked past it on some random street without the Goat Berries connection. It’s like some famous piece of art or something, if that makes any sense.
Thanks Margaret…Pasqualina really made an impression on that original photo with the held tilt and blade of grass, I think. What a ham, so to speak π
Thank you, Michelle – Sarah now feels like she’s a famous artist! She almost took the drawing out at the last minute, because she didn’t feel that it was good enough :o) Thank you also for the mention of my blog, which truth be told wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for your knowledge and guidance. I’ve neglected it terribly lately, so you’ve also lit a fire under my butt to get busy writing.
So happy she kept in it! I love drawings π Looking forward to reading more on your blog as well!
What a wonderful drawing! Very touching.
Paqualina was verklempt!
Your dog looks just like mine! My daughters just saw her pic and said “What’s Clarabelle doing there?” What kind of dog is she? Clarabelle is an Australian cattle dog mix. Love their names too — anything to do with the children’s book Stellaluna?
Oh that’s too funny! I love the name Clarabelle π Ours have nothing to do with “Stellaluna”; we adopted Luna first and my Italian OH named her on the spot off the top of his head — as you know, Luna means moon in Italian. So when adopted the second pooch a year later, we wanted a name that went with Luna/Moon, so we ended up with Stella/Star. He named her too, and I know he’s never heard of the book! I hadn’t either to be honest, until the gal from Grey’s Anatomy named her baby Stellaluna…at the time, I joked that if she named her next kid Pasqualina, I’d sue her. Hahaha π Anyway, we don’t know what Stella is, but Luna looks rather similar, and we’ve always thought they had part Basenji in them. They’re both sweethearts π Thanks for stopping by, Jenny!
Ohhhh, little Pasqualina has her very own page on a calendar. She deserves it for being so darn cute.
I love that goat.
Me too! Always great to “see” you, thotlady π xx