Do Your Goats Need a Goat Tower?

OK, *need* is a strong word, but remember when we talked about goat bridges, and how you shouldn’t show your goats that bridge if you weren’t willing to follow through?

Well check this out:

Goats in the Tower on Flickr by George Conard

Goats in the Tower on Flickr by George Conard

And there are lots more goat towers at Goat Towers Around the World.

Anyone else kind of jealous of those goats? How fun would it be to have your very own tower?

Imagine the amazing views!

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3 Responses to “Do Your Goats Need a Goat Tower?”
  1. 11.29.2010

    The two goats on the bottom tier are having a standoff. “You’re in the waaaaaay!” I would get a cat-sized one, but my cat would only be interested in the box it came in.

    You know, I never tried boxes with the goats….


  2. 12.02.2010

    Wow! How cool is THAT! My goats would love it, (heck I would too!) Too bad we have so many projects needing done around here already or I would SO ask hubby to build a goat tower! (He would probably kill me, teehee)

    Haha I would love it too…but I don’t have the nerve to suggest it to my hubby either 😉


  3. Junia

    I would love to build something like this, except out of cob. We have a clay rich soil very suited to it.


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