Happy Mother’s Day to All You Goat Maaaaas!

I hope all you goat maaaaas out there are having a wonderful Mother’s Day!

I know I am.

And check out what the kids got me:

A goat scarf!

Soon to be all the rage.


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4 Responses to “Happy Mother’s Day to All You Goat Maaaaas!”
  1. 05.09.2010

    They are so cute! I love your kids.

    Thanks Loulou!


  2. Rose Marie Milcetic

    They really love you, don’t they, Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are such adorable little pieces of fur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh they’re very friendly…all they need is some attention, and they’ll love anyone after a while, I think 🙂


  3. 05.10.2010

    Aw Michelle! They just get more cute every time I see them! You can see how much they have grown too!

    It’s amazing to look at photos of them just after they were born…they’re so much bigger now, but you don’t really notice from day to day, you know?


  4. 05.10.2010

    Oh how cute. I have to log-off or I’ll spend the rest of the night here…trying to figure out how to have goats…first I have to figure out how to get back to Italy/France. Then…& then…& then, the “kids.” xo

    Looking forward to hearing more about your plans, Susan!


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Goats that readers have spotted out and about. Send your photos to michelle(at)goatberries(dot)com! 

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