Archive for 2012
Quick Update on the Baby Goats
I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated about the kids, but well, I was in the United States for a few weeks and then returned to ugly, sticky heat — and that means *none* of us have been feeling up to photos.
Read on...My First Goat Experience
On a recent trip to the United States, I found photographic evidence of my first goat experience in a petting zoo. I fell in love that day!
Read on...GoatSpotting in the Central Park Zoo, NYC
You just never know where you’re going to spot a goat or two — as proven by my friend Frances of Simply Frances in the Central Park Zoo.
Read on...Bouncing Baby Goats Video
There’s nothing quite like seeing baby goats in action, so here’s a video of the girls as they really start getting their legs.
Read on...Pasqualina & Her Doelings
Pasqualina gave birth on April 23, 2012 to two healthy doelings — here are the deets!