Lease a Goat Through Eden Hills
One of our very first goatie friends here at Goat Berries was Teresa of Eden Hills (and her wonderful Millie the Saanen!), so we’re so pleased to share the news of her new program:
Lease a Goat
Through Teresa’s Lease a Goat program, you don’t get physical custody of “your” goat, but you can follow her throughout the year as she has her baby, weans her kid(s), and watches them leave the farm. Along with bragging rights, you will receive packages throughout the year, including the following:
- lease agreement
- 5 x 7 picture of your goat
- 2013 Eden Hills Calendar
- letter of introduction from your goat
- birth announcement
- sample of goat’s milk soap
- set of four goat note cards
- invitation to visit your goat during our “open barn” (date to be announced later)
What a great gift for a goatie lover who can’t (yet) raise his or her own goaties!
For more information, visit Teresa’s Lease a Goat program at Eden Hills (and while you’re there, check out her soaps and other products too)!

One Response to “Lease a Goat Through Eden Hills”
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That Teresa is so clever! And she has such cute goats. 🙂