Please Help Katherine Dunn’s Kickstarter Project “Misfits of Love”
**UPDATE! Thanks to the generous pledges from an animal-loving community, including quite a few Goat Berries readers, this project is now FUNDED! Will keep you posted on the book’s progress. Thanks!**
I’ve shared information on the Kickstarter project of artist/writer Katherine Dunn of Apifera Farm before, but time is winding down for her to secure funding.
Right now, this project is 30% funded and has until until January 30 to make its goal.
Fellow goat lovers, this is truly a labor of love for Katherine, who provides a safe place for aging and ailing goats, donkeys, and other creatures. Her goal is to share her beautiful collection of short stories, art, and photography about the many old and neglected creatures that make it into her barnyard.
As Katherine states, the stories of this project make her sing and cry all at once.
Katherine has also posted one of the stories that will be in the book – about an 18 year old goat – on her Kickstarter page [see Updates] and it will give you a flavor of the writing. It is heartfelt and quirky with a fable quality like all her art — truly beautiful.
As I wrote on the Goat Berries Facebook page, if this story doesn’t warm the cockles of your heart, your cockles are old and dried up and you need a new pair.
This project so deserves to come to fruition!
Kickstarter works like this: You pledge an amount [from $15 to $1,000] and in turn you get a gift in return [you can opt out of the gift]. Different gifts are posted by Katherine on the site. Your credit card is not charged until the entire goal is reached and then it is all handled by a secure site.
I know we’re all in tough economic times and there are countless good causes out there who could use our money, but a project like this has the potential to touch the hearts of so many people — and who knows, maybe even inspire some to follow Katherine’s lead and show more compassion for the older and ailing animals among us.
Please do help if you can.

2 Responses to “Please Help Katherine Dunn’s Kickstarter Project “Misfits of Love””
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Thank you for pointing this site out to me….. it’s now one of my favorites!
michelle Reply:
January 9th, 2012 at 5:11 pm
Mine too, June, and my pleasure!