Pino’s Pie Day to Help Bring Aging and Neglected Donkeys to Apifera Farm
Katherine Dunn of Apifera Farm creates wonderful art and also has a big heart for aging, abused, and neglected donkeys and goats. She runs The Giacomo Fund in honor of a beloved donkey who came to live with her; money raised goes to bringing more creatures to her farm to live out the rest of their days in peace and comfort. And it’s certainly not lost on me that all of her lovely beings acquire Italian names once arriving at Apifera. Love it!
One of the fundraisers Katherine runs is Pino’s Pie Day — she provides the pies while items for sale include lavender and adorable handmade aprons. A $5 donation per car is suggested, but not required. Here are some pages of the formal online invite, where you can see some of Katherine’s art in action as well:
Be sure to check out the full invitation as well as Katherine’s blog for more information on Pino’s Pie Day 2011.
If you’re in Apifera’s Yamhill, Oregon neighborhood, please go, donate some money, take some photos, and pass them along to me.
I wish I could be there, but your photos would be the next best thing!

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