Building a Goat Bridge

Do your goats have a bridge?

If not, whatever you do, don’t show them this video.

I made the mistake of showing this to the girls, and all I can say is boy oh boy does P have some work to do….

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6 Responses to “Building a Goat Bridge”
  1. 09.29.2010

    Oh my gosh! That’s so cute!! Although at first I was all worried for them climbing that high, lol! Hello – goats!! Duh! Yep, P’s gonna be biiiizzzzy!!

    Haha, oh we’ll never have anything quite like this, but a goat can dream!


  2. 09.30.2010

    That looks so much fun! I want one! I want one! I want one!

    Talk to the human, Millie 😉


  3. 10.01.2010

    Oh wow, that is quite a bridge! I am WAY too much of a worry wart to build a bridge THAT tall for my goats. Maybe hubby and I can build our goats a scaled down version!

    I know, I get nervous too! I don’t think we’d ever go *that* high!


  4. 10.05.2010

    Two questions,
    1. How do they get them to cross the bridge
    2. Why is it so high?


    Oh I’m sure they don’t need to coax them…goats are *so* curious and they also love being up high, so I think they just gave them what they wanted 🙂


    Junia Reply:

    I assume that if this were over a driveway or something, it would be so the goats don’t try to jump down… and out. It seems a bit dangerous to me too though.


  5. 01.06.2011

    I have meant to comment on this post for a while now. I am going to do a 3 Billy Goats Gruff unit with my preschoolers and am hoping to figure out a way to show this video to my class (the state blocks YouTube in all public schools for some stupid reason – they also blog itunes and twitter – BOO!). Anyways, thanks so much for sharing this. I LOVE it!! 🙂

    Oh I hope they enjoy it!


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