Is Your Goat Calendar Material?
Margaret of Nanny Goats in Panties is currently seeking submissions for a 2011 calendar that will feature some of the purtiest hooved creatures in the whole wide world. Or at least the Interwebs.
From NGIP:
Your picture doesn’t have to be professional, but it shouldn’t be blurry and it should come in a big enough size to fit on the calendar page without having to stretch it.
The picture is not limited to one goat. It can have multiple goats. It can be cute or funny or grand. And it can be a photo you’ve already had featured here on NGIP for Goat Thing of the Day. And you can send more than one photo.
If your picture is selected, you will be credited for the photo, along with a one or two line description of the picture, your blog name if you have one, your farm name if you have one, we’ll figure all that out. Also, you will receive one free copy of the finished calendar. Additional copies will be available for sale at the NGIP Merchandise Store.
You can send your awesome goaty picture to margaret (at) nannygoatsinpanties (dot) com. And it would probably help if you put something like “NGIP 2011 Calendar Submission” in the subject line.
Submissions will be accepted through July 30, 2010.
Hurry, get those photos in;
you could have the next pin-up goat in your barn right now!

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