Goat Berries Reaches 100 “Likes” on Facebook!
What’s that you say?
Goat Berries on Facebook now has 100 “likes?”
Thanks so much to everyone who helped Goat Berries on Facebook reach the ever-so-cool 100 “likes” mark! Onward to 200!
If you haven’t yet visited us on Facebook, please do because I post a lot more goat-related links and pen updates over there as well as on Twitter @goat_berries.
Plus these are great ways to meet and chat with other goat lovers like yourself — who, I have to say, are a really welcoming, wonderful bunch. It’s such a joy and privilege to be a part of the Interwebs’ goat world!
Thanks again for reading!
Lots more goatie adventures to come, including our first experience with watermelon rinds….
3 Responses to “Goat Berries Reaches 100 “Likes” on Facebook!”
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Hey Congrats…she looks like she is howling…so cute!
She’s wooooohooooo-ing! Sort of 😉
Congratulations! That is quite the accomplishment.
Thanks Teresa!
So happy to have found you! Congrats on such a milestone, I know how it is to watch the number grow. Your website looks great, I’m sure I’ll be back often now that I have added goats at my home.
Thanks Teresa! Great to “see” you here 🙂