Caprine Terminology: Common Goat Words

When I started reading up on goats, I quickly realized there are many terms other than “goat” and “kid” that are important to know.

I was reminded of this by Dianne of La Bella Lingua yesterday in the comments, so especially for those of you new to this goat thing, here are some common goat words you’re likely to come across:

  • Kid: a goat from birth to six months of age
  • Doeling: sexually immature female goat (kind of like a pre-teen)
  • Buckling: sexually immature male goat
  • Doe: sexually mature female goat
  • Dam: a female goat who has kidded a.k.a. Mamma Goat
  • Buck: sexually mature male goat (also sometimes called a “billy”)
  • Wether: castrated male goat
  • Yearling: one-year-old goat

You may also see the term “chevron,” which is, no not the energy company, but the technical term for goat meat.

Another interesting term I’ve come across is “freshen,” which is what happens when the doe gives birth and begins producing milk. Isn’t that quaint? Our does freshened up a storm a couple weeks ago! Hah!

In the coming days, I’ll write more about the basic facts of breeding/kidding, feeding, behavior, etc., but if you have any burning goat questions along the way, please do ask in the comments!

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4 Responses to “Caprine Terminology: Common Goat Words”
  1. 04.06.2010

    Why don’t they have “goatlings”? I think that would be a nice word. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well you’re welcome to use it, Tina; I think it’s cute too ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. 04.07.2010

    So cute!!!

    Thanks Rosina!


  3. 04.09.2010

    Oh…little Pinta. She is my favorite. I know, I shouldn’t have favorites, but I love her mother Pasqualina, so Pinta by extension is near and dear to my heart. I am sure they all the kids are very, very sweet. Crazy, I haven’t even met them, but I feel like I know them through your photos and words.

    Your ‘Goats 101’ info is interesting, keep it coming.

    Pinta has a special place in my heart too…to be discussed here shortly, I think. Glad you’re enjoying Goats 101; I hope to have lots more of quick posts like that with some reference material for casual goaties ๐Ÿ˜‰


  4. Margi

    Great info, thanks!

    What breed of goat would you suggest if I want one that I can use as a show goat, sheep company, and slightly a pet? I don’t want a minature or a La Mancha. I might use it for milk but havn’t decided. I live where it’s cold and there are small children around. Also, will a goat be scared by dogs around it?

    Again, great info. Keep it up!

    Great question! Let me do some research and write a post about it ๐Ÿ˜€


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