Pasqualina’s Baby Bump: I Felt a Kick!
OK, really it was more like the subtle movement of a head, but I felt it in Pasqualina’s belly! Gaaaaah!
This morning I could see what looked like the shape of a little head bulging out of her right side (for those who don’t know, goats’ rumens (stomachs) are on the left side, so on the right is where you’ll see and feel babies).
Of course I had to take a photo, and the best angle was the one below, in which you can also see she’s starting to swell around her lady parts. Sorry if the imagine is too graphic for goat novices, but check out that baby bump!
It was really so obvious, I thought I must be mistaken until I went in the pen and put my hand lightly over the spot. It shifted underneath my fingers and felt just like the movement of a human baby inside a tummy…so *very* cool and definitely an experience I never imagined having.
Unexpected and amazing! These goats just keep on giving.

2 Responses to “Pasqualina’s Baby Bump: I Felt a Kick!”
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Congratulations on the new blog and the impending birth of Pasqualina’s baby. We’re surprised you haven’t set up camp in the pen to help her with Lamaze. Breathe, breathe, breath — PUSH!
Hahaha, once those ligaments loosen, you never know 😉 Thanks for coming by!
Love the new blog…more more more about the kids. Yay!
So happy you like it Susan! Thanks so much for coming over 🙂