Hide and Seek with Baby Pasqualina

This is an old video of Pasqualina and me playing hide and seek in the cantina last February when she was just a wee thing; we had only met two and a half days prior:

How cute is that baby “maaaaaaa!”

Can’t wait to hear some of those baby bleats!

*le sigh*

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3 Responses to “Hide and Seek with Baby Pasqualina”
  1. 03.18.2010

    Oh Michelle she is precious!

    I had no choice but to fall in love! It’s so hard to believe she used to be that small!


  2. Beth

    Michelle, I seriously LOL’d & still have the biggest grin on my face! Thank you (& Pasqualina, of course!) for making my morning!

    Our pleasure! Hoping to put up some more videos over here 🙂


  3. 03.20.2010

    Aww, how cute when she peeks around the corner. And btw I *adore* the picture at the bottom of the blog. Every time I see it it makes me smile 🙂

    Thanks so much Rebecca! I love that photo too…had to figure out a way to work it in!


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