Another New Arrival via Carmelina
This morning it was my turn to find a kid waiting for me when I went to check on the girls. Carmelina had a little something like this hovering around her at 7 a.m.:
She must have delivered about an hour before that because this kid was pretty dry by the time I happened upon the scene.
This one’s coloring is so interesting–brownish but without the red tones that both the mother and father have. I wonder if it will change? Mother and kid are doing fine and, of course, bonding.
The coloring of yesterday’s kid, by the way, was also a huge surprise. Sure, Margherita has some black undertones, but dad is a reddish-brown and white, so we weren’t expecting a stark black and white kid. In case you wondered, yesterday’s kid is still doing fine — and we now know he’s a he:
As for Pasqualina? Well she’s just chillaxing until her time comes…will it be later today, overnight, or weeks from now?
Stay tuned!

22 Responses to “Another New Arrival via Carmelina”
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And they look so inquisitive. The new one is cappuccino coloured or cafe`-latte. Have you thought of names yet?
Yes, we’ve decided on the names…I’m going to announce them all at once π
Oh! GORGEOUS! I’m so jealous of you and your goats. One day I WILL have some of my own …
The photo of the black and white kid is particularly lovely. He has such a cheeky, curious expression on his face.
He definitely looks cheeky today! After one day of life…uh oh!
Again, SO CUTE!
Thanks Tina!
Congratulations again- cant wait for #3…
Me neither! Goodness I’ll just be so relieved if/when all goes well…I’m a Nervous Nelly!
oh my god. How can you deal with all this cuteness? I am overwhelmed by the photos alone!
Talk about cuteness overload, I know!
Another beautiful goat! I’m guessing that creamy brown will eventually turn red.
Can’t wait to see! The color is getting prettier to me all the time π
Got to share one of these. Hope it’s O.K.. My friends want to know what I’m obsessing about. xoxo
Please do! And thank you!
I think the newest one is sooo cute, yes should be called Cappuccino.. so sweet.
Hee hee…I do like that idea!
yes, definitely cuteness overload. Love the boots on the newest.
I have lots of ‘raising goat’ questions!
Is it important to imprint like you would with horses?
Keeping in mind that I’m a complete goat novice: I think goats are naturally more inclined to be handled/friends with people than horses, so I don’t think there’s anything special that needs to be done other than handling them like any goat lover would; certainly goats raised with affection are going to be more people-friendly, I’d say. Some people bottle feed their kids before they even touch the doe’s teats because they say they’ll become more used to people that way. We’re letting things happen naturally, but with the affection we show our does (who we didn’t raise from babies), and I think they’ll be just fine…we’ll see!
oooh I’m loving the goat babies!!!
Us too, Janet!
WOW! they are so cute and the mom’s just seem to pop them out! lol baby animals are just the sweetest things.
I know! I’m kind of loving that they’re doing this all on their own so I don’t have to watch and worry… π
Gives new meaning to the phrase: You’ve got to be kidding!
Hahaha, indeed! Thanks for coming over, Dianne!
OMG!! Cuteness overload indeed!! The picture of Carmalina & her new baby is just precious, and the look on the little boy’s face – ooh, he’s gonna be trouble! LOL!!
I love that they have personalities at a day old…too funny!
So precious! Love the color of the second one.
She’s a little sweetheart for sure!
I think there was a goat party to which you were not invited. It looks like there were more fidanzati involved thanthat reported. They are extremely darling.
Oh this buck was just *on* his game is all π
Michelle, I can understand your obsession with your goats, they are absolutely beautiful animals and each and every one of them look as if they are smiling! It really puts a smile on your face to look at them and the babies, well, to call them cute is an understatement! Good luck with the new arrivals!
Thanks Jo; their little smiles are definitely adorable π
These pictures might kill me with cute. The giant heads! The knobby knees! Congratulations to all the moms and … I guess you and P would be grandparents now?
And if you could only see their big flopping hooves up close…gaaah! Yes, we’re grandmaaaa and grandpaaaaa apparently π
These pictures couldn’t have come at a better time, I so needed a smile today. Can’t wait to hear their names.
So happy to put a smile on your face, Rebecca xoxo
Oh man! Even more cuteness. I can’t believe they all look so different. Not just the coloring but so distinct.
And their personalities are already showing too…amazing little creatures!
You are so lucky to have these wonderful, dear, little critters in your life.
I completely agree; it’s hard to believe all this happened kind of by accident when Pasqualina’s mom had three babies she couldn’t feed….
Two words:……So adorable!
Hee hee…I’m with you!
OMG! They are so beautiful and look at that color! Hugs!
Thanks Pam! Hugs right back!