Forget Snakes on a Plane…Beware of Goats on a Boat!

I just came across this hilarious sketch done by 3rd Floor Productions and shared via Hidden Track TV on YouTube, and I had to pass it on.

It’s called “Goats on a Boat” and is spoof of the movie “Snakes on a Plane.” The tagline?

Live By the Hoof, Die By the Hoof.



Buon weekend!

H/t Exotic Pet Tips.

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3 Responses to “Forget Snakes on a Plane…Beware of Goats on a Boat!”
  1. Joanna


    Glad you enjoyed Joanna…this was a nice way to start my weekend 🙂


  2. 07.24.2010

    ha ha ha!…that was great! so funny! xoxo

    Knew you’d enjoy Pam 🙂


  3. 07.25.2010


    Hee hee hee 🙂


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