Great Holiday Gift: Goat Milk Soap from Eden Hills
Fellow goat gal Teresa at Eden Hills and A Goat’s View of Eden Hills has been busy making lots of great products to sell at Eden Hills Market.
A few months ago, she came up with an amazing soap creation that include chocolate, almond, and coconut, but she was stuck for a name. So I threw in my suggestion — Choconut Almond Delight — and a new soap name was born!
Teresa is not only using the name, but she also sent me a bar of soap as thanks (and an extra bar for my mom who was acting as the go-between with the package since I’m in Italy). As it turns out, my mom didn’t even open the package before passing it along to me in a larger package, so I ended up with both bars and a really nice note from Teresa to my mom, which I read to her over the phone. Such a lovely gesture, Teresa, grazie!
Now, back to the soap — believe you me, this *does* smell good enough to eat. Though I do not recommend doing so, of course. I’m looking at you, goats.
Seriously, though, it’s a wonderful soap, and Teresa’s other soaps and products, ranging from handmade Christmas ornaments and dreamcatchers to jewelry and lip balms, are just as lovely, so if you’re looking for unique gifts for your loved ones this holiday season, why not check out Teresa’s Eden Hills Market and support a goat-related small business to boot?
And remember, you can even lease a goat through Eden Hills!
Lather up, folks, and support a fellow goal gal!

2 Responses to “Great Holiday Gift: Goat Milk Soap from Eden Hills”
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i wonder how many kids and drunks will try to eat the chocolate!
michelle Reply:
December 10th, 2012 at 10:21 am
Haha hopefully the kids (human) are supervised but the drunks are on their own 😛