Spotlight on Gemma the Baby Goat
As any blogging goat maaaa and paaaa knows, sometimes it’s downright impossible to get a good shot of the goaties. Other times, like this morning for me, you have one goatie in particular who turns up the caprine charm and does her little thing on the goatwalk.
Yup, this is Miss Gemma on a gorgeous Sunday morning in southern Italy, fresh off a hoof trimming:
I only got a couple good shots of Gioia with Gemma, and this is one of them:
And here’s their maaaa Pasqualina, pretty as ever:
Ah, and a gratuitous photo of one of our Muscovy ducks; their wattles are just starting to get interesting around their beaks. I love these duckies!
Hopefully next time I can get better shots of Gioia so she can have her own spotlight.; we wouldn’t want a baby goat war to erupt.
Although that would make for good video.
As we say in Italy, buona domenica (Happy Sunday)!

8 Responses to “Spotlight on Gemma the Baby Goat”
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So sweet! Hmm… I wonder what the animal ordinances are in central NJ…
michelle Reply:
August 13th, 2012 at 1:27 pm
Local ordinances are so very important in this goat stuff…I’ve seen way too many stories of people having to give up their goats b/c of silly rules ๐
I love the Gemma Strut!
michelle Reply:
August 13th, 2012 at 1:26 pm
Hee hee…she knows how to work it!
Wonderful photos! Now it really is a bueno domenica!
michelle Reply:
August 13th, 2012 at 1:25 pm
Glad you enjoyed Beth ๐
Gemma is a gem! ๐
michelle Reply:
August 13th, 2012 at 1:25 pm
Couldn’t agree more, Marigold ๐