Nanny Goats in Panties 2012 Calendar: Call for Submissions
It’s that time of year again, goat lovers! Time to start thinking about which photos of your adorable caprine friends you should submit to Nanny Goats in Panties for consideration to be included in the 2012 calendar.
Margaret has all the deets at her place, but do know that the deadline for submissions is JULY 31.
Oh dear! I need to get on that! How else can Pasqualina possibly hope to hold on to her Miss April title?!
And then there’s Pinta, of course. What self-respecting Italian showgoat doesn’t have a calendar spread?! For my readers outside of Italy, a calendar for “showgirls” in Italy is a sign that they’ve “made” it. Made what, I’m not so sure, but . . .
Get those goat photos in!

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