Royal Goat Forgotten at Royal Wedding
As I wrote on Facebook a little while ago, I had to wave the white flag on social media today — the Royal Wedding posts have truly won the day, so I headed to the pen to see what the girls had to say:
Let me paraphrase: “Blahblahblah Kate and William, what about the Royal Goat?”
According to Wikipedia:
William Windsor (known as Billy), a goat in the military, was a lance corporal in the 1st Battalion, the Royal Welsh, an infantry battalion of the British Army. He served as a lance corporal from 2001 until 2009, except for a three-month period in 2006 when he was demoted to fusilier, after inappropriate behaviour during the Queen’s Official Birthday celebrations while deployed on active duty with the battalion on Cyprus. He retired to Whipsnade Zoo in May 2009.
Now that is some royalty we can get with. Literally.
The girls’ will be going into heat soon, so hey, Billy, if you’re getting bored at the zoo, give us a ringy dingy, mkay?
Princesses Pasqualina and Pinta of Calabria are waiting….

5 Responses to “Royal Goat Forgotten at Royal Wedding”
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This is NASA Nana, coming to you from sunny West Palm Beach, FL USA. Ladies, keep it local, please. Way too much travel and pressure as a royal. Look around, all around for a local guy. Do a little local marketing… circulate your photos such as the one above. You’ll get your goat. Hugs to one an all. Karen Bain
Thanks NASA Nana!
He would be one lucky goat to get a girl like either one of you! Royalty or not.
Thank you kindly 🙂
Oh, this cracked me up — best Royal Wedding post by far!! Billy clearly should have been leading the procession or something. 🙂
Totally agree. I don’t know what they were thinking. Definitely would’ve been better behaved than that horse who ran off….
Hej from Sweden!
I never knew there was a Royal Goat! William Windsor is just so handsome!!! I will be in London in 2 weeks and I just have to pay him a visit!
Thank you for posting!
michelle Reply:
October 25th, 2011 at 9:22 pm
Please report back GGG! Would love to hear about a royal goat encounter 🙂