Benny the Goat Is Safe — For Now
Via the Benny the Goat Facebook group (600 members and counting!), Sheri Sala has announced that Benny the Nigerian Dwarf goat’s case has been transferred to the Berlin, Connecticut Planning and Zoning Commission, which will now reconsider the ordinance in question that requires three acres of land to keep a goat.
As we goat people know, this law is pretty ridiculous, especially if we’re talking about a pygmy goat like Benny, who is smaller than many dogs. Hopefully the Planning and Zoning Commission will adjust Berlin’s ordinance to keep not only with the times but also with the laws of much more urban cities, such as Seattle, that now allow goats within city limits — by the way, thanks for paving the way, Goat Justice League!
For now, Benny has won the battle, but Sheri has not yet won the war . . . so your continued support is still very much appreciated. I have no doubt that the concerns of all of us from around the world helped Berlin’s Zoning Board see the bigger picture, literally, so thank you for all the emails you sent and to those who “liked” Benny’s page — and also to the news outlets who actually read and responded to tips submitted to them. Did you know that Benny’s story made the NBC Connecticut news?!
As I wrote on the Goat Berries Facebook page, in this matter, WE ARE ALL BERLINERS ala JFK in 1963:
And as we say in Italy, Forza Benny!

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