What to Do with the Christmas Tree? Give It to the Goats!
I’ve never had a live Christmas tree in my eight Christmastimes in southern Italy, so I never really thought about what to do with the tree once it’s taken down. But the folks at New Moon Farm Goat Rescue & Sanctuary have an idea — give it to the goats!
As noted on their Facebook page, they certainly don’t give their goats trees that are coated in any flocking or chemical flame retardant, but for your run of the mill tree that is just going to be discarded? Why not consider donating it to an organization (or a friend) who keeps goats? This especially goes for those of you who run Christmas tree lots!
New Moon apparently has plenty of trees for their goats, but a quick Google search may help you find a local home for your discarded Christmas tree. Not every place may accept them, though, so be sure to ask before you just show up with your tree — you don’t want to have egg on your face in front of goats. Trust me. They can be ruthless.
By the way, if you’re interested in helping out some goats, you can donate to the New Moon Farm Goat Rescue & Sanctuary any time, sponsor a goat, or even order up some goat gear to help support their efforts; I spent a good part of my Christmas morning making donations in the names of family members to New Moon Farm and also to the Puget Sound Goat Rescue, the Ohio SPCA Goat Rescue, and Il Rifugio degli Asinelli (a donkey refuge in Italy associated with The Donkey Sanctuary in the UK) — it sure made my Christmas a little brighter!
Many of these places also have goats available for adoption as well, so if you know someone who might be interested, do pass along the info!
Ah, and one final thing:
Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season full of love, joy, and only the finest hay!

7 Responses to “What to Do with the Christmas Tree? Give It to the Goats!”
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Hope you can find a new “home” for your tree, Nell 🙂
I don’t know if this is a total coincidence, but the Christmas goat pic that came from KCRA is in Sacramento (where I live) and one of my friends posted it on my FB wall. I’ve already commented on the pic on KCRA’s site hoping to find the photographer because this would make a good potential shot for December 2012 goat calendar.
And giving your Christmas tree to goats – what a great idea!
Not sure about a coincidence, but I got wind of the goaties in Santa hats yesterday via Google alert; I was going to pass it along to you, and went over to your FB page but I saw someone had already posted it there. I didn’t even notice your comment on the photo, so I might have seen it before you commented — or I was just mesmerized by the goats, which is entirely possible. So cute!
Oh, that tree does look yummy. I wish the human had a tree to give to me. She tried the Santa hat on me, but my horns are too magnificent for it to fit well.
Understandable, Millie. Although may I say that your magnificent horns would look truly fabulous poking through holes in a Santa hat? That red would really bring out your eyes 😀
The goats are standing up for peace!
Haha mine happen to love olive branches too….
We’re passing ours out to the goats and sheep too! I’ve found my Shetlands love nibbling on the pine as much as our goat girls 🙂
HI was wondering if goats can eat fame tree ????
Sorry that was flame tree not fame