GoatSpotting: Le Capre di Capri

Couldn’t resist the little play on words in the title. Let me explain: Today’s GoatSpotting goats were spotted on the island of Capri, off the coast of Italy. For those who don’t know, “goats” in Italian is “capre,” so there you have it.

And here we have them!

Goat on a rock

Spotted goat spotted on a rock

Crazy capre caprese!

Crazy capre caprese!

Thanks so much to Jo McGlip, who along with her Italian husband Costanzo, operate the best Italian restaurant in Scotland, The Caprese Restaurant in Glasgow. Although it will close at the end of the year, they’ll have a new restaurant opening nearby, so until then, if you’re in the neighborhood, be sure to stop in!

The Caprese Restaurant
217 Buchanan Street
Glasgow G1 2JZ

Telephone:-  0141 332 3070

And remember, if you’re out and about and spot a goat, snap a photo, and send it over!

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4 Responses to “GoatSpotting: Le Capre di Capri”
  1. 09.14.2010

    Thank you so much for adding our lovely Capri goats Michelle! Just a pity I didn’t get a shot when there were around 10 of them leaping around the rock, another missed photo opportunity!


  2. 09.15.2010

    Oh, I haven’t been in so long (I mean to Capri) but I remember seeing them over the years (or some – perhaps not these very goats). Love wordplay, of course:)


  3. 09.15.2010

    How the hell did that just end up on Twitter? Eek.


  4. 09.18.2010

    They look quite cozy, but I’m not sure I’d want to try and perch there!

    Me either Teresa! Brave goaties 🙂


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