Hoegger Supply Company Gift Certificate Giveaway

One of my favorite places to graze is Millie Ann Saanen’s A Goat’s View of Eden Hills. Millie tells it like it is from a Saanen perspective — and she doesn’t mince words. Hah!

She is, however, rather generous as you can see in this contest announcement:

I’m giving one lucky person (or goat, horse, etc.) a $20 gift certificate to Hoegger Supply Company. They are the ultimate in goat suppliers. Don’t think you have to have a goat companion to want this. They also have books, cards, clothing, and all kinds of great goatie things. It’s where the human got her favorite mug.

I came across Hoegger Supply Company on the Internet over Christmas last year when I was in the U.S. and immediately requested one of their catalogs via snail mail so I’d have it for the plane ride home. I’ve been making a wishlist ever since. LOVE.

If you haven’t heard of Hoegger’s, you must have a look around — and be sure to head over to Millie’s Eden Hills and leave her a comment so you’re entered to win the giveaway. Ends July 15th.

Best of luck!

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One Response to “Hoegger Supply Company Gift Certificate Giveaway”
  1. 07.13.2010

    Thank you for saying such nice things about me!

    My pleasure; I mean them 🙂


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