Goat Feeding Time Video
Here’s a video I made the other day as I was bringing some borlotti bean pods to the girls for the first time. They obviously knew a treat was coming because they started calling me just after I shut the door of the house.
Also making guest appearances are our bantam rooster and hen, our two other hens, a call from our quail, our Ape 50, and the gorgeous view of the Ionian Sea and rolling Calabrian hills from the garden area. Enjoy!
Don’t you just love Pinta’s screams? What a sweetheart!

7 Responses to “Goat Feeding Time Video”
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thanks for visiting and your kind comment-I’ll be back!
I have a few screamers, too. At 6am as soon as they see the porch light come on, they know I am close by with treats in hand, headed their way.
My saanen is the loudest mouth.Nubian/Alpine mixes are a close second.
I love Saanen and Nubians! Can’t wait to read more at your place.
Ahhh! This was the best, & came at the perfect time too – I’m sitting in a boring Dr’s office & it’s dreary as heck outside. Please thank all the animals, especially Pasqualina & Pinta, for the huge smile that’s now on my face :o) Although I know the guy across from me now thinks I’m nuts from all the giggling, lol!
Haha happy to make you look a little silly 😀
How sweet. I must say I have an entire line of goats that scream like they are dying. Aren’t they the funniest?
I’m happy that most of the neighbors around here who could hear them are probably familiar with goats…otherwise they’d be calling goat protective services or something!
How adorable, Michelle. I’m finally shutting this damn computer down & decided to watch. Glad I did…so cute. I miss Italy & the sea & waaaah. I sound sorta like Pinta (but not as cute…I can tell ’cause Giulia the Gattina is not pleased). ciao-meow
Haha I’m sure Giulia loves to hear you 🙂
awww…they’re so cute! I love the Rooster!
Jimmy has definitely wormed his way into my heart too…and I never liked chickens and such!
What an amazing view! Love the sound of the goats munching those pods… crunch, crunch, crunch.
Don’t you just love when their stubborn and make YOU come to them…lol! Awe…the scenery is so relaxing…love the video..thank you M! I would love to speak Italian..sounds so cool! Grazie!..he he!…hope I have that right..lol!
Pasqualina *never* makes me come to her, so I blame Pinta’s father for that behavior! Hah! Yes, grazie is perfetto 😉