Good Luck Stardust from NASA’s Goat Aurora Over Greenland
This morning, I woke up to this amazing image of Goat Aurora Over Greenland in my inbox:
During the Shelios Expedition to Greenland in late August, even veteran sky enthusiasts saw auroras so colorful, so fast changing, and so unusual in form that they could remember nothing like it. As the ever changing auroras evolved, huge shapes spread across the sky morphed from one familiar form into another, including what looked to be the head of a goat (shown above), the head of an elephant, a strange green-tailed comet, and fingers on a celestial hand.
My friend shared this image with me to send me “good luck stardust” on a personal project for which Paolo and I could *really* use some fortuna. I loved her phrasing (and the image!) so much that I wanted to continue sprinkling, so to speak, so I now pass this on to you.
May good luck stardust from Goat Aurora Over Greenland bring you everything you’ve ever wanted!
Feel free to share, and perhaps we can coat the whole world!

4 Responses to “Good Luck Stardust from NASA’s Goat Aurora Over Greenland”
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michelle Reply:
October 7th, 2012 at 9:37 am
Hee hee…may they all come true, Mimi!
I wonder how many people will be having nightmares after viewing this? Beautiful old goat!!!
michelle Reply:
October 7th, 2012 at 9:36 am
Hahaha…hopefully no nightmares, just good luck!