Goatspotting: Goat Under the Tuscan Sun
Faithful reader and friend Joanna sent in this photo of a goat in her neck of the woods, in Tuscany, Italy:

Tuscan goat
Now that’s a goat enjoying life under the Tuscan Sun.
Shout out to Frances Mayes!
Remember to send your GoatSpotting photos in —
we love seeing all kinds of Goats of the World!

4 Responses to “Goatspotting: Goat Under the Tuscan Sun”
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Thanks for sharing this cute photo! Sometimes it’s cool to see animals like this and get photos on what they’re doing. Awesome!
michelle Reply:
March 28th, 2012 at 5:36 pm
Glad you enjoyed, Karyn 🙂
I love this photo! that goat looks really healthy. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Actually, I couldn’t stand Frances Mayles’ book and started telling people I was moving to Siena province, not Tuscany, after it came out. LOL
My friend Paolo Destefanis took this photo over near Monticchiello. Wonder what breed the goat is.