GoatSpotting: Fighting Goatiephobia One Goat at a Time
Earlier this summer, we talked about the Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation for those who suffer from goat-related anxiety. I was reminded of this when I got an email from my friend Joanna — attached was this photo of a darling goat from Oman:
As Joanna wrote in her message, “I’m against islamophobia and goatiephobia, too.”
Right on, Joanna. Right on.
We can fight this! Together. One adorable goatie at a time.
Have you spotted a goat recently? Be sure to send your photos in for GoatSpotting as well as Goats of the World!

2 Responses to “GoatSpotting: Fighting Goatiephobia One Goat at a Time”
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I have not spotted a goat recently, but I do love your’s. What a cute pose and critter.
michelle Reply:
September 13th, 2011 at 7:23 am
Thanks for coming by, Eileen!