Goat Adoptions Through Puget Sound Goat Rescue

For Christmas I donated to various goat and donkey-related charities in my family members’ names, and one of those charities was the Puget Sound Goat Rescue.

Becky and Barb of the Rescue sent a card to my brother and sister-in-law with notification of the donation — and also a thank you card to me, which I actually just received because it was sent to my mom’s address in the States and my mom forwarded it. Will you look at this cuteness?

Christmas Goat from Puget Sound Goat Rescue

Christmas Goat from Puget Sound Goat Rescue

And this is inside:

Christmas Goat from Puget Sound Goat Rescue

Christmas Goat from Puget Sound Goat Rescue

I was so happy to read that Puget Sound Goat Rescue was able to adopt out 109 goats in 2010 . . . *and* that they decided to name a “gorgeous spotted Nubian” after me (Fabio). How cute!

So I just had to give a shout-out here for Puget Sound Goat Rescue, which is doing a wonderful job rescuing, rehabilitating, and adopting out goats from slaughterhouses, auctions, and abusive situations. They also have a goat outreach program to better inform the public about goats. Of course, all these activities cost money, so even if you can’t adopt a goat right now, please do consider helping Becky and Barb continue their maaaaarvelous work with a donation.

Thanks so much for all you do for the goaties, ladies! Goat kisses to all!

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2 Responses to “Goat Adoptions Through Puget Sound Goat Rescue”
  1. 03.06.2011

    Michelle, the first photo looks like a little pygmy doe we once had, her name was Martha. She was so adorable!


    Aw, cute name too!


  2. 03.08.2011

    How wonderful! You are such a great goat lady to help them.

    They’re doing such great work over there — it’s the least I can do to help spread the word 🙂


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Goats that readers have spotted out and about. Send your photos to michelle(at)goatberries(dot)com! 

Baby the Goat in Georgia
Anguillian Goats
Goats in Central Park Zoo, NYC
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