Archive for the ‘GoatSpotting’ Category

Oman goat

GoatSpotting: Fighting Goatiephobia One Goat at a Time

This goat from Oman can help fight goatiephobia.

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Goat in tree in Africa

GoatSpotting: Goats in Trees in Africa

Check out these goats in trees in Africa by my friend SomePinkFlowers.

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Testa Dura Goat Cheese

GoatSpotting: Testa Dura Goat Cheese

Check out this Testa Dura goat cheese — perfectly named for goats’ hard heads.

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Goat at Maine Fiber Frolic 2011

GoatSpotting at 11th Annual Maine Fiber Frolic

Photos of goats from Maine Fiber Frolic 2011.

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GoatSpotting: Etruscan Goats!

Mary Jane Cryan is an American-Irish writer who lives in the part of central Italy that used to be known as Etruria. She also happens to enjoy goaties and passed along these adorable photos of Mini-Himalayans living in up Etruscan-style:

La dolce vita della capra

La dolce vita della capra

WHAT? The Romans have taken over? MAAAADNESS!

WHAT? The Romans have taken over? MAAAADNESS!

If you’d like to learn more about Mary Jane and the mysterious Etruscan civilization, you can check out her book Eturia – travel, history and itineraries in central Italy, website Elegant Etruria, blog 50 Years in Italy, and Facebook group Elegant Etruria Friends — and for some multimedia fun, be sure to download our recent Eye on Italy podcast: Exploring Eturia with Mary Jane Cryan.

Remember, if you see a goat out and about, snap a photo and send it in to GoatSpotting!

GoatSpotting: How Much Is That Goat in the Window?

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a GoatSpotting, but I have quite a few darling goaties in the queue for you to enjoy in upcoming posts — remember if you have any goats or goat-related item you’ve spotted out and about, please do send along the photo!

I actually spotted this goat on my friend Paul’s Facebook page after he spotted her in a Wisconsin barn:

How Much Is That Goat in the Window?

How Much Is That Goat in the Window?

What a cutie, eh?

Do you have another caption for this photo? Please share!

And thanks Paul!

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Goats that readers have spotted out and about. Send your photos to michelle(at)goatberries(dot)com! 

Baby the Goat in Georgia
Anguillian Goats
Goats in Central Park Zoo, NYC
Goats goats goats galore!
Tuscan goat
Goat on donkey (no not in that way)
Oman goat
Goat in tree in Africa
Testa Dura Goat Cheese
Goat at Maine Fiber Frolic 2011